
Cryptocurrencies. Interesting? Yes. But They Are Not Gold

The hype is on. Ethereum and Bitcoin are catching the eye of a wider audience as their prices have risen to new levels. This rise, however, has been accompanied by...
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Three Steps to Balance Your Investment Portfolio in An Uncertain World

A Smart, Simple Strategy Can Minimize Risk and Maximize Returns Back in the day, advisers recommended rebalancing your portfolio every year. In today’s rapidly changing investment world, regular examination of...

Gold Continues to Set a Long Term Base – 2017 Chart Looks Good

As we’ve looked at the gold and silver markets over the past year, we’re encouraged that our view of the metals carving out a long-term base since the end of...

Technology Has Increased the Value of Holding Gold and Silver in an IRA

IRA accounts serve a very specific purpose – to grow and protect long-term savings and investments. With geopolitical and economic trends shifting constantly, you need immediate access to as many...

Not Satisfied with Your Retirement Plan? You’re Not Alone

Since the days of the late 1990s Dotcom  Bubble and subsequent bursting of that bubble, the investment landscape has been increasingly difficult to navigate. Geopolitical uncertainty, combined with wild market...

Why The Price of Bitcoin and Ethereum Matters to Gold and Silver Owners

Bitcoin and Ethereum are the top two cryptocurrencies in the world. Over the past month, their price has risen dramatically, creating a great deal of buzz in investment circles. What...

Do We Really Want all this Tech? Gold as a Bridge to Reality

Artificial intelligence. Robo advisors. Trustless ledgers. Sounds like a world where humans aren’t responsible for doing much. Is this future world really coming? In some form, yes. All of these...

Can Financial Technology Put Gold Into the Hands of the World’s Poor?

Yes. It can. There are thousands of new applications that companies are applying DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) to. They range from smart contracts that hold government officials accountable, to digitizing...

Dollar Cost Averaging – Gold and Silver Ownership on Autopilot

Increasingly, people are taking control of at least a portion of their investments. New financial technologies are making this easier than ever before. While improving access to traditional and alternative...