March 27, 2024

Silver: The Magic Metal
Okay. It may be a bit of an exaggeration to call silver bullion a “magic” metal. However, in the age of high tech, there is little argument that it is...

Inertia Interrupted: New Megatrends Are Emerging
Inertia is a powerful law of physics. A body in motion stays in motion until energy is applied in a new direction. It’s what we’ve experienced in the geopolitical and...

Decentralization is the New Mega-Trend
One word you’ll hear a lot in the financial world is “decentralization.” We use it frequently and doubtless you’ve encountered it in other blog posts, podcasts, and books discussing the...

Centralization vs. Decentralization: The Battle is Underway
Right now we are witnessing an epic battle between two competing principles – centralization and decentralization of systems that influence our culture. Let’s look at two examples and how they...

Mexico to Monetize Silver?
On September 13, 2017, Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies met to discuss a potentially world-changing event regarding precious metals—specifically silver. Mexico has had a history of using silver coins as currency...

Major Changes at The Federal Reserve Will Likely Be Good For Gold
The Federal Reserve is arguably one of the most powerful institutions in the world. Its monetary policy affects every country in the world, either directly or indirectly. Like any organization...

The Insanity of a Cashless Monetary System: Why You Need Physical Gold and Silver
The old saying “cash is king” may soon be dealt a major blow. Governments around the world are experimenting with the idea of going 100% “cashless.” While this may sound...

Independence Day – A Time to Pause and Reflect
As we celebrate the birth of our nation this weekend, we recognize both the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for each of us and our nation as a whole....

Two Noteworthy Developments Related to Gold
The Fed Talks Interest Rates This week, the Federal Open Market Committee released minutes from their May meeting. Some speculated the minutes would indicate that the Fed was reconsidering hiking...