April 28, 2017

Preparing Gold and Silver for a Digital Financial World
Recently, we’ve been writing more on the role of Financial Technology in today’s fast changing world. The reason is, whether Boomers or Gen Xers like it or not, the Millennial...

Are You Financially Literate? April is the Month to Find Out
April is Financial Literacy Month. It is smart to set aside a time to focus on finances, because money and finances are something that touch each and every one of...

DLT Will Help Rein in Corruption
Corruption is destructive to any society where it is present. That is a given. Most people are beginning to understand that corruption in general is more widespread than they imagined....

Gold and Silver Market Update
Today marked both the month and quarter end closing price for gold and silver. For those who watch technical indicators and moving-day averages, the failure of gold to close above...

DLT/Blockchain, the BIS and the Link to Gold as Money
Some of the largest global institutions are beginning to catch on that DLT (distributed ledger technology) is going to have an enormous impact on banking and payment systems. DLT has...

FinTech “Financial Inclusion” Also Means Gold and Silver
One of the primary goals of financial technology is “financial inclusion.” This goal seeks to provide access to financial services to billions of people who are considered “unbanked.” This is...

DOW 21,000 – Gold Takes a Pause
Since the beginning of the year, both the DOW and gold have had impressive runs. The DOW now sits near 21,000 and gold has risen above the $1,260 level. It...

Are The New Money Changers in the White House?
The new director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, supports blockchain technology. Mark Calabria, chief economist to Vice President Mike Pence has expressed his support for alternative...
Owning Gold & Silver as Savings: Millennial Focus
In the new world of FinTech applications are popping up that are focused on serving the generation who are the most heavy users of tech – the Millennials. This 18-30ish...