Corruption is destructive to any society where it is present. That is a given. Most people are beginning to understand that corruption in general is more widespread than they imagined. The question is, what if anything can be done about it? By definition, corruption is abuse of power for personal …
Gold and Silver Market Update
Today marked both the month and quarter end closing price for gold and silver. For those who watch technical indicators and moving-day averages, the failure of gold to close above the 200 day moving average at $1,262 indicates that a major upward move in gold may have not yet begun. …
DLT/Blockchain, the BIS and the Link to Gold as Money
Some of the largest global institutions are beginning to catch on that DLT (distributed ledger technology) is going to have an enormous impact on banking and payment systems. DLT has been around for years, primarily in the form of the Bitcoin blockchain. It’s stated benefits have been around nearly as …
FinTech “Financial Inclusion” Also Means Gold and Silver
One of the primary goals of financial technology is “financial inclusion.” This goal seeks to provide access to financial services to billions of people who are considered “unbanked.” This is a noble goal indeed, because access to money is the foundation for participating in the economy. FinTech Trends 2017 – …
DOW 21,000 – Gold Takes a Pause
Since the beginning of the year, both the DOW and gold have had impressive runs. The DOW now sits near 21,000 and gold has risen above the $1,260 level. It appears as though both may be ready for a pause. No market goes straight up, and the DOW has risen …
Are The New Money Changers in the White House?
The new director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, supports blockchain technology. Mark Calabria, chief economist to Vice President Mike Pence has expressed his support for alternative currencies, stating, “While I’m an economist, not a tech guy, I’m very excited about Bitcoin, as I am about alternative …
Owning Gold & Silver as Savings: Millennial Focus
In the new world of FinTech applications are popping up that are focused on serving the generation who are the most heavy users of tech – the Millennials. This 18-30ish group of young adults has grown up with smart phones and instant access to a wide variety of information and …
The Future of Money, FinTech, Gold and Silver
We live in very interesting times to say the least. Financial innovation using new technology has been percolating for years. The advent and rising popularity of Bitcoin, and more importantly its underlying blockchain technology, has thrust the question of our world’s financial future into the spotlight. Between 2014 and mid-2016 an …
Brick and Mortar Banks, Gold, and the FinTech Revolution
One of the more visible signs that FinTech is real and growing is the trend toward smaller, more technology focused branch banks. Bank of America recently accounted that it has opened three branches in the United States with zero workers. Bank of America Opens Branches Without Workers This is the …
National Currencies Looking to Blockchain Technology?
For those following trends in global currencies, one has emerged that has significant long term implications. That is the move toward purely digital currencies. This trend has gained momentum over the last several months. India seems to be leading the way. One of the questions that obviously must be answered is …