February 10, 2017

Brick and Mortar Banks, Gold, and the FinTech Revolution
One of the more visible signs that FinTech is real and growing is the trend toward smaller, more technology focused branch banks. Bank of America recently accounted that it has...

National Currencies Looking to Blockchain Technology?
For those following trends in global currencies, one has emerged that has significant long term implications. That is the move toward purely digital currencies. This trend has gained momentum over...

Regulations, FinTech, and the Future
As promised, President Trump has taken an ax to the regulatory burden that many feel has hindered economic growth. His actions have been swift and far reaching. It’s too early...

Refinancing in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
A rising interest rate environment will have an effect on the price of gold and silver. That’s something most gold and silver investor understand. However interest rates affect a great...

President Trump and the Strong Dollar Double Edged Sword
Now we will start to see reality begin to become real in our financial and economic systems. Today, a new President takes over. Regardless of your opinion on the matter,...

Silver and Gold Prices in 2017 – The Path Will Not Be Straight
After a roller coaster year, the price of gold rose nearly 8%, which almost kept pace with the 8.8% increase in the S&P 500. So, where does the price of silver...

Changes Coming to Your 401k: Will it Affect Access to Gold and Silver?
Here at OWNx, we understand that owning gold and silver are only a part (but an important one!) of your overall financial wellness and retirement plans. As such, it is...

FinTech Flop – The US is Being Left Behind
Innovation is key to the ongoing health and prosperity of a nation. Technological innovation is exploding across the world. Few industries benefit more from this phenomenon and are set to...

Millennials On Saving For Retirement – How About Gold?
Millennials are probably the most scrutinized generation ever. Why? Because technology today enables vast amounts of personal data collection and this group loves to use technology. Thus, they have given...