As promised, President Trump has taken an ax to the regulatory burden that many feel has hindered economic growth. His actions have been swift and far reaching. It’s too early to tell how much of an impact changes in financial regulations will have because the scope isn’t yet known. However …
Refinancing in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
A rising interest rate environment will have an effect on the price of gold and silver. That’s something most gold and silver investor understand. However interest rates affect a great deal more than just the price of precious metals. One of the largest impacts it has on most people’s pocketbooks …
President Trump and the Strong Dollar Double Edged Sword
Now we will start to see reality begin to become real in our financial and economic systems. Today, a new President takes over. Regardless of your opinion on the matter, he is going to implement policies that if successful will put sustained upward pressure on the U.S. dollar. A strong …
Silver and Gold Prices in 2017 – The Path Will Not Be Straight
After a roller coaster year, the price of gold rose nearly 8%, which almost kept pace with the 8.8% increase in the S&P 500. So, where does the price of silver and gold go in 2017? There are so many cross currents in the world today it is difficult to tell …
Changes Coming to Your 401k: Will it Affect Access to Gold and Silver?
Here at OWNx, we understand that owning gold and silver are only a part (but an important one!) of your overall financial wellness and retirement plans. As such, it is important to know about changes coming to your 401(k) plans in 2017. According to a recent MarketWatch article, beginning in …
FinTech Flop – The US is Being Left Behind
Innovation is key to the ongoing health and prosperity of a nation. Technological innovation is exploding across the world. Few industries benefit more from this phenomenon and are set to contribute more to the long term health of the global economy than FinTech. Unfortunately, the United States regulatory agencies just …
Millennials On Saving For Retirement – How About Gold?
Millennials are probably the most scrutinized generation ever. Why? Because technology today enables vast amounts of personal data collection and this group loves to use technology. Thus, they have given analysts the raw data they need to look into their behaviors individually and as a group. Despite their love of …
Govt Debt and Liabilities May Support Gold and Silver Prices
When we think of cities that are struggling with debt, we tend to to look at Detroit, Chicago, and some of the larger cities in California. However the problem extends across the nation and into nearly every major metropolitan area, including Dallas, where the economy seems to be relatively strong. This widespread …
3 Reasons Why 2017 Could Be Good For The Price of Gold and Silver
This spring we sent out an alert to our clients stating that we believed the price of gold had finally broken out of a four-year decline. Since then, gold has made a confirming move to over $1,370 per ounce. The recent drop to the $1,250 level may leave some wondering …
Three Reasons to Consider Automatic Purchases of Gold and Silver Bullion
Owning gold and silver creates different images in peoples minds. Some of our clients are active swing traders who thrive on the swings in the spot price of gold and silver. To them, “volatility” is literally gold. They live in the world of Now, and to them we say – more power to …