Do We Really Want all this Tech? Gold as a Bridge to Reality

OWNx TeamGold & Silver Market, Money & Financial Technology, Retirement Planning

Artificial intelligence. Robo advisors. Trustless ledgers. Sounds like a world where humans aren’t responsible for doing much. Is this future world really coming? In some form, yes. All of these technologies are rapidly emerging, and the three mentioned are converging in the investment space at a rapid clip. Investment decisions …

Millennials On Saving For Retirement – How About Gold?

OWNx TeamGlobal Finance and Economics, Money & Financial Technology, News & Current Events, Retirement Planning Leave a Comment

Millennials are probably the most scrutinized generation ever. Why? Because technology today enables vast amounts of personal data collection and this group loves to use technology. Thus, they have given analysts the raw data they need to look into their behaviors individually and as a group.  Despite their love of …

The Psychology Behind Avoidance Coping

OWNx TeamRetirement Planning

The fear of bad news often prevents us from sustaining healthy lives. We cancel our dentist appointments the day before so we don’t have to hear if we’ve acquired new cavities. We avoid stepping on the scale so we don’t have to acknowledge the extra piece of birthday cake we …

Florida Family Finds Buried Gold Coins from 1715 Sunken Spanish Fleets

OWNx TeamRetirement Planning Leave a Comment

A Florida family announced they recovered $1 million worth of sunken treasure from the Spanish treasure fleet’s shipwrecks off the coast of Florida. Today also marks the 300th anniversary of the shipwrecks. The Schmitt family kept their findings a secret for nearly a month from the public, but finally held …

7 Places to Get Free Personal Finance Classes

OWNx TeamRetirement Planning Leave a Comment

With all the buzz about student debt, risky stocks, and mortgage fraud, some people might be in a bit of a panic. The thought of money management is intimidating for many people. And even though we linked to an article the other day about how to raise money-smart kids, some …