The World Gold Council recently released a report on gold demand for 3Q16. In it they note that there was a sharp increase in gold investment primarily through Exchange Traded Products. While ETPs such as GLD stock mimics the gold spot price, it does not provide you with the true …
Does Gold Rust? The Science Behind Gold
Gold, a symbol of wealth and luxury, has been treasured by civilizations for millennia. Its lustrous yellow shine and malleability have made it a favorite for jewelry, coins, and various artifacts. But a common question that arises is, does gold rust? Let’s delve into the world of gold and debunk …
The Alaskan Town that Still Pans for Gold Bullion
The original residents of Chicken, Alaska, were a “ragtag bunch of gold prospectors.” The town is 40 miles west of the Canadian border and 90 miles from Eagle, Alaska. It has a population of 23 residents, except for when 16 of those residents leave in the winter and the population …
A Look into Our Nation’s First Coins
Leading up to the year of 1792, the United States experienced great confusion concerning the value of different coins and currencies in circulation. Spanish silver and English shillings were two of the most common mediums of exchange, but the intricate conversion tables led to burdensome trade and commerce. Congress – …
Gold demand at record levels in Q1 2016
The World Gold Council reports that gold demand surged in the first three months of this year. That would certainly help explain why the price of gold has surged from $1,060 to nearly $1,300 in that time frame. They reported that the increase was driven by “huge” purchases of gold ETFs due …