February 3, 2017

The Curse of Cash Part 1
Many gold and silver bullion owners are all for hard currency. They see a need for some form of physical money. Reasons vary. Privacy is among the top concerns. However,...

Interest Rates and Gold: Reversal vs. Range Bound
As interest rates signal a trend change it is important to consider all the possibilities. Certainly one can make a case for rising interest rates due to inflationary pressures. However because...

Bitcoin Got a Lot Right – But Not Everything
Since it’s inception in 2010, Bitcoin has been the subject of a great deal of spilled digital ink. The idea of a currency outside of the control of governments has...

The Interest Rate “Line in the Sand” – Bill Gross Sounds Off
Analysts have been calling for the end of the three decade old bull market in bonds for several years now. To be sure, if transitional market forces (read non-government intervention)...

FinTech Flop – The US is Being Left Behind
Innovation is key to the ongoing health and prosperity of a nation. Technological innovation is exploding across the world. Few industries benefit more from this phenomenon and are set to...

Millennials On Saving For Retirement – How About Gold?
Millennials are probably the most scrutinized generation ever. Why? Because technology today enables vast amounts of personal data collection and this group loves to use technology. Thus, they have given...

The Move Toward A Cashless Society Goes Global
First India. Now Australia is considering removing some banknotes from circulation. These are opening salvos toward a move to remove physical currency from circulation. Speculation abounds as to why this...

Fed Raises Rates For Second Time in a Decade
Twice. That is the number of times the Federal Reserve has raised rates in a decade. Ten years. This is not how a normal economy works. It is also evidence...

Price of Gold Nearing 10 Month Low After Italy Vote
Geopolitical uncertainty is supposed to help the price of gold right? Over the long term that is certainly the case. However, short to intermediate term fluctuations have more to do...