
The Cultural Shift from Bargain Hunting to Buying Things that Last

We’ve all thrown away the cheap frying pan and the broken umbrella that initially seemed like a great deal in the store. Whether it was the buy-one-get-one-free, the red price...

A Look into Our Nation’s First Coins

Leading up to the year of 1792, the United States experienced great confusion concerning the value of different coins and currencies in circulation. Spanish silver and English shillings were two...
gold bullion

Gold demand at record levels in Q1 2016

The World Gold Council reports that gold demand surged in the first three months of this year. That would certainly help explain why the price of gold has surged from...

The Psychology Behind Avoidance Coping

The fear of bad news often prevents us from sustaining healthy lives. We cancel our dentist appointments the day before so we don’t have to hear if we’ve acquired new...

Florida Family Finds Buried Gold Coins from 1715 Sunken Spanish Fleets

A Florida family announced they recovered $1 million worth of sunken treasure from the Spanish treasure fleet’s shipwrecks off the coast of Florida. Today also marks the 300th anniversary of...

China’s gold exchange gains traction

Foreign banks and trading houses have signed up for China’s planned global gold exchange. New members and major players in the industry are intrigued to have access to China as...

India Finds New Gold Smuggling Route

India has such an insatiable appetite for gold that smugglers are finding new ways to avoid the 10 percent import duty and sneak the precious metal into the country illegally....

300-year old buried treasure found in Florida

A man from Florida recently discovered a “priceless” religious artifact from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, according to ABC News (a video of the discovery is posted on ABC’s article)....

7 Places to Get Free Personal Finance Classes

With all the buzz about student debt, risky stocks, and mortgage fraud, some people might be in a bit of a panic. The thought of money management is intimidating for...