
Removing “Friction” in Financial Services

With the boom in FinTech, there are many new buzzwords entering the dialogue that describe the future of money and banking. One of those words is “friction.” Just what is...

Can Financial Technology Put Gold Into the Hands of the World’s Poor?

Yes. It can. There are thousands of new applications that companies are applying DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) to. They range from smart contracts that hold government officials accountable, to digitizing...

China’s Shanghai Gold Exchange is Now an International Player

April, Financial Literacy Month, is often seen by those in the financial sector as an opportunity to educate people on how to manage their money within an existing financial system....

Gold Outlook Choppy Moving Into Summer

The outlook for the price of gold and silver continues to remain choppy over the next several months. Several factors are influencing the outlook. Seasonal factors: Historically, the price of...

The Price of Gold Reaches Multi-Month High

Gold and silver have had a nice run this week and the price of gold reached a five month high today. There are many factors contributing to the recent sustained...

DLT Will Help Rein in Corruption

Corruption is destructive to any society where it is present. That is a given. Most people are beginning to understand that corruption in general is more widespread than they imagined....

M-Pesa – Why Gold Owners Need to Know About It

The financial world is changing at a pace that is mind boggling. The problem for those living in the West is – the change is occurring well outside of the...
gold bullion

Gold and Silver Market Update

Today marked both the month and quarter end closing price for gold and silver. For those who watch technical indicators and moving-day averages, the failure of gold to close above...

Cryptocurrency Design – Green or Gold?

Within the FinTech world, there is a great deal of activity in the cryptocurrency space and there will be for the foreseeable future. Incubator labs around the world are designing...