May 2019
Decentralization - 1 Year Later
One year ago, our newsletter was on the subject of decentralization. We are keeping a close eye on this megatrend, because it will impact every industry, including (and some would say, especially,) the financial investment and monetary sectors. As such, we are taking a deeper dive into the subject in this newsletter.
What has changed in the last year? As it turns out - a lot. It is taking some time, but distributed ledger/distributed application technologies are beginning to emerge that are able to fulfill some of the promises made when blockchain technology exploded onto the scene a few years ago. Fintech architecture 1.0 (blockchain) was improved by 2.0 (Ethereum), which is now being further improved by more scalable DLT and DHG solutions.
It still is a wild world in Fintech, so caution is advised! Good things will come to those who wait...
PMs, Cryptos, and FinTech
Suggested Reading
OWNx closure dates:
- May 27th. Memorial Day