Megatrends - The late arrivals are finally here.
In 1982, John Naisbitt wrote a classic book entitled "Megatrends: Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives." In it, he predicted massive changes in world development. He got some right, including:
- The shift in the labor market from "blue-collar" to "white-collar" jobs.
- The rise of the global economy.
- The shift from either/or to multiple options, leading to more roles for women, flextime in the workplace, various arts, specialty foods, cable television, and religious variety.
However, some he missed - or shall we say he was 30 years early. Three that he said were underway in 1982 which are just now beginning in earnest include:
- Business management will shift from short-term planning to long-term perspectives, motivated both by concern for the environment and by economic necessity ("for-benefit" corporations).
- Banks will need to rethink their function in a world of electronic transfer of funds (cyrptocurrencies).
- The shift from hierarchies to networks as the pyramid structure collapses. The facilitator and the empowerer of others will be rewarded rather than the autocrat (blockchain).
The megatrends Naisbitt "missed" in 1982 are now clearly in motion, and will impact our world for generations. We've been featuring these trends over the last few months because they will impact your ownership of gold, silver, and so much more. Enjoy the newsletter!
Gold, Silver, Cryptos, and FinTech
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As the world of money continues to rapidly change, it's important that you know more about who we are and what we are doing to help you navigate these changes. We've been on Facebook for some time. There are some exciting things on the horizon, so come on over and connect with us! We are going to use Facebook to share our thoughts as this whole new world of finance and money takes shape. We're starting with a fun little giveaway! (Find out more below!)
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