January 2018: Times are Changing

A new year. A new world.
Well, 2018 is here. For those in the financial world, it is going to be an interesting year. In our last newsletter, we covered some of the issues surrounding the origin of gold and silver as money, and the beginning of the financial technology revolution. Today, precious metals and cryptocurrencies are both seeking their place in the rapidly evolving new monetary eco-system. Indeed – times are changing.
Gold, Silver, Cryptos, & FinTech
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A Shout Out to our Clients!
2018 is shaping up to be a major year for new developments on the OWNx platform. As such, we wanted to get your feedback on a variety of topics ranging from the gold and silver market, precious metals dealers, financial technology, and even what you'd do if you were CEO of OWNx for a day.
The response we received was beyond our expectations! Your input has helped us prioritize and improve enhancements to the platform that will be announced in the coming months. Once again – a big “Thank you!” to the best customers in the precious metals world!