December 2023: Enjoy The Holidays
We hope over the last two months you have been able to step back from unfolding world events and focus on things closer to home - like faith, friends, and family. As we step into 2024, one thing seems certain. Next year will continue to be filled with more uncertainty, both politically and economically. Thankfully, gold and silver aren't going to disappear, which is one of their enduring qualities.
It's been our privilege for over a decade to provide a platform that gives you access to products that help grow, preserve, and protect your hard-earned savings during such times. This newsletter is much later in the month than usual because there has been a great deal of volatility in the gold market over the last few weeks. We wanted to let it settle out so we could give you a relevant analysis of the technical picture as we move into the important year-end close.
We hope you had a great Christmas. Have a safe and prosperous New Year!
The OWNx Team
Gold and Silver
What Do the Charts Say?

In our last newsletter, we said $1,850 would be a critical level for gold. Closing above it would mean another run above $2,000, while below it would leave gold vulnerable to an extended consolidation below the elusive $2,000 mark in 2024. As the chart shows, it bounced decisively off of the $1,850 level and established a new all-time closing high of over $2,080. The volatility that surrounded that spike was something we wanted to watch to see if it would hold, which is the reason this newsletter was delayed until the end of the month.
The good news is, hold it has. In fact, for the past month, with a three-day exception in mid-December, the price of gold has closed over $2,000 per ounce since Thanksgiving. This is very positive price action. Gold has now traded over the $1,850 range for the vast majority of 2023. In the process, it has established two solid uptrend lines. One intermediate term and the other short term (green lines). More good news is that some seasoned technical analysts believe a year-end close above $1,970 sets the stage for a major move in 2024. Unless something happens in the next few days that causes gold to shed nearly $100 per ounce, that level looks safe.
Silver is, well... Silver. It is biding its time within a two-year trading range. $26 per ounce has been a major barrier over that time. We expect that when gold rises to the level that drags silver over that mark, it will do its typical "catch up" run, taking it quickly to the $30 per ounce range. That's just the way silver likes to roll.
Gold in today's world...
OWNx offices will be closed January 1st for New Years Day.