As interest rates signal a trend change it is important to consider all the possibilities. Certainly one can make a case for rising interest rates due to inflationary pressures. However because of all the cross currents that rising rates and a strong dollar would create, it is possible that it will …
Gold and Silver Turn Higher After Post Election Slump
One of the prominent financial news commentators said two weeks ago, “A wise strategy would have been to buy the election and sell the inauguration.” He was talking of course of the broader markets and not gold and silver. That may turn out to be correct. As reality begins to set …
Silver and Gold Prices in 2017 – The Path Will Not Be Straight
After a roller coaster year, the price of gold rose nearly 8%, which almost kept pace with the 8.8% increase in the S&P 500. So, where does the price of silver and gold go in 2017? There are so many cross currents in the world today it is difficult to tell …
Gold Continues to Carve Out A Long Term Bottom
The price action of gold over the last few weeks is consistent with a notice we put out in April of last year to our clients. In that notice we informed them that the price of gold’s late 2015 drop to $1,050 and subsequent recovery and breakout of a 4+ year …
Divergence in Gold ETFs Signal Bottoming in Price?
Recently there has been some divergence in the inflow/outflow of gold into two separate ETFs. The larger SPDR Gold Shares ETF has seen weekly outflows since mid-November. However, the smaller iShares Gold Trust has seen two weeks of inflows. What does this mean? The larger ETF is mainly used by …
New FOMC Taking Shape January 1st
In with the new and out with the old. Such is the case every year with the Federal Open Market Committee. On January 1, new members will step in and vote on monetary policy that effects you and me as well as the silver and gold price. Who will sit at …
Gold Coins Dropped in Salvation Army Kettles
We thought we’d pass on a “feel good” story for those of us who love silver and gold bullion. Seems like Fargo, N.D. is developing a bit of a Christmas tradition. Dropping gold coins into Salvation Army Kettles has been occurring for a decade. Just last week, three more were …
Could Silver Replace Gold as India’s Preferred Investment?
Could it happen? About 100 years ago, silver was the preferred precious metals investment in India. Because of the government crackdown on the underground economy by restricting its paper currency, the question is a good one. India has long held a quasi-dual currency system. Paper rupees used in daily transactions, …
Price of Gold Nearing 10 Month Low After Italy Vote
Geopolitical uncertainty is supposed to help the price of gold right? Over the long term that is certainly the case. However, short to intermediate term fluctuations have more to do with capital flows and traditional correlations. This is likely the reason why the gold and silver price has performed poorly …
Large 3,000 year old golden ‘belt’ found in the UK
A mysterious 3,000-year-old gold torc, described as one of the largest ever discovered, has been found in the UK. A torc is a stiff ring of metal, made in a single piece or from several strands twisted together. The size of this torc (nearly 50 inches in length) has left open speculation as …