April 6, 2018

Cryptos Enter The Trough of Disillusionment – Now the Work Begins
Our first post of this new year was just thirty days ago. Entitled “2018: The Year of the Crypto Hangover?” we introduced you to the hype cycle that impacts nearly...

Gold, Silver, Fiat, and Cryptocurrencies – Welcome to the Dance
A new monetary ecosystem is emerging. But you probably already knew that. What has yet to be determined is just how the historical forms of money are going to play...

Are Cryptos Money? Not Yet.
The wild swings in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptos over the last week should have you convinced that they are not yet ready for prime time. After rising...

2018: The Year of the Crypto Hangover?
Last year was crazy for financial technology. For several years, FinTech innovation had been bubbling under the surface, until last year when it exploded into the mainstream in the form...

Cryptocurrencies. Interesting? Yes. But They Are Not Gold
The hype is on. Ethereum and Bitcoin are catching the eye of a wider audience as their prices have risen to new levels. This rise, however, has been accompanied by...

Why The Price of Bitcoin and Ethereum Matters to Gold and Silver Owners
Bitcoin and Ethereum are the top two cryptocurrencies in the world. Over the past month, their price has risen dramatically, creating a great deal of buzz in investment circles. What...

Cryptocurrency Design – Green or Gold?
Within the FinTech world, there is a great deal of activity in the cryptocurrency space and there will be for the foreseeable future. Incubator labs around the world are designing...

Bitcoin Got a Lot Right – But Not Everything
Since it’s inception in 2010, Bitcoin has been the subject of a great deal of spilled digital ink. The idea of a currency outside of the control of governments has...