Decentralization - A Big Word With Big Implications
You cannot be involved in anything related to finance without running headlong into the big "D" word--along with its cousin, "Distributed." It seems the world is enamored with the idea of decentralized everything. For the most part, that is a good thing. After all, separation of powers has been a primary governing principle of our nation since its founding.
This touches on the related principle of "localism." Localism states that people in closest proximity (geographic, relational, or both) are better equipped to understand and care for the needs of a community than a distant, centralized government. As financial technology takes us into the world of decentralization, it naturally enables the principle of localism to flourish. This has profound implications for the future of the world.
Gold, Silver, Cryptos and FinTech
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As the world of money continues to rapidly change, it's important that you know more about who we are and what we are doing to help you navigate these changes. We've decided to use Instagram to give you a deeper look into the people, places, and happenings at OWNx. There are some exciting things on the horizon, so come on over and connect with us! We are kicking off our Instagram announcement with a fun little giveaway! (Find out more below!)
Suggested Reading/Watching
OWNx Office Closure Dates
May 28th
Memorial Day
Interesting insights
There are many reasons to own gold and silver. OWNx clients hold them for the following reasons:
31% because they expect the price to rise significantly in value over the coming years.
27% as part of a diversified portfolio.
24% because of concern about economic and geopolitical instability.
10% to protect and secure their retirement.
Our clients are quite diversified in their reasons for holding gold and silver. All are great reasons to invest in these timeless assets!